Wednesday 9 September 2009

Silver nut and bolt

Feet in Sand

Tuesday 8 September 2009

Wooden house Dominican Republic


Bracelet I made from silver and mexican kingwood 
I love using mix media materials such as wood . I like 
how it has tactile quality's that make the wearer 
interact with the piece.


Earrings I made from acrylic rod and silver. I love this colour,  pastel mint green. 

Resin Bracelet

Resin and silver Bracelet with shavings from the chair 
I found in the skip.

Monday 7 September 2009




This is a photo of a chair I found in a skip. I love the colour and how the paint is crackling away. I found it whist I was on the hunt for ideas for a project-tiled transition I was doing during my 2nd year at uni. As soon as I saw it I wanted to use it in my work. I wanted to show the transition from one object to another and from one purpose to another. I love the end results of the shavings of the paint and wood set into resin that the necklace is made up of, also the wearable pieces of resin, silver and shavings. My dismantled chair was part of an exhibition titled Transition, which was held at St Helens world of glass April 2008

Wednesday 2 September 2009

Summer Pink Poppy

Tuesday 1 September 2009


Im in inspired by the effects the sea has on objects and their surfaces over time. I take photographs of these objects and surfaces and take inspiration from them, looking at colour texture and soft lines and how objects have become trapped. I love collecting flotsam and jetsam I find along the Welsh coast and incorporating it into my work.

Some of my degree work

Hi everyone I have set up this blog to share photos

Of what I do and things that I love, I studied applied arts 

For three years specializing in Jewellery metal work

and graduated this summer. Let me know what 

You all think,I look forward to hearing from you.