Sunday 3 October 2010

Allium one of my Favorite flower/plants

This is a Allium one of my favorite flowers 
 I think they are absolutely gorgeous . I love how 
they change colour over time and seem 
to keep expanding too .I took a photo of this one within
days of it being picked then the 2nd photo about two to three 
weeks later . xx

Graduation Brooch

During this summer my dad had his Graduation In Lampeter
 mid Wales . I made Him a brooch he was able to use 
to pin his hood to his graduation gown, also a gift he 
could keep to remember his special day and use again and again.
I took Inspiration from my photos I had taken along the welsh
 coast as part of my flotsam and jetsam range.

I always welcome commissions and really enjoy 
design and making individual one off pieces .If you are 
interested in any of my work you see or would like
 any information please no not hesitate to contact me on

Saturday 2 October 2010


I have recently moved from where I was living in Wales.
I am now currently living in Scotland . The last few months
have been pretty hectic . But now I have my work shop all 
unpacked and set up again. I have been able to make a few
 new pieces That I would love to share with you all. xx